Saturday, November 21, 2009

the black tiger

another one for the dream files. at first it was just a flash, a symbol. last night there was movement. it was a black tiger with stripes of muted black and dark rich ebony. his eyes were pale and mesmerizing, determined. sometimes they were green, sometimes a shade close to indigo. the movement was all about the swagger, the grace of the prowl.


gentian/enzian said...

gosh, i would not meet that black tiger. what were your feelings? pain, fear...... this tiger however it is, is a very powerful symbol, person... not easy to handel with. be careful. work with love and light if this is person.

i myself had a few fights with my egomind, lower self during the last days, not easy to overcome it.i prayed to the friens up there.

wish you a lot of power and sunshine

indigo herself said...

i wasn't scared. i think i am the tiger, this the fearless me, swagger and all. yes.i.can.

gentian/enzian said...

okay, then. powerful lady, yes you can. in that case the black tiger is beautiful. also strong. it would be interessting whatthe symbol for nativ indian means. think it'sa good maya culture and other native also.try to find out and feel what it means to you.