Tuesday, April 01, 2008

april's no fool

i love the spirit of prankster that erupts around this day. everyone nurses their inner bart simpson just a little. expect shenanigans! sort of fun to forget and then shake your head and laugh when you almost believe something so absurd for just a moment. do tell if you fell for or pulled off some great hijiinx today...don't be shy it's all in fun!


Gallis said...

I am grateful to say that there were no pranks played on me today.

Unless you count my job.

I slay me.

All-Mi-T [Thought Crime] Rawdawgbuffalo said...

i sent out an email sayin Prince and Michael Jackson was having a concert LOL. nice spot , do drive by neck of the bloggospher and chk me out, and let me know if u like what u read, maybe we can swap blog rolls if u like

Anonymous said...

Do you recall the ultimate double prank that I played at work a couple of years ago when you were in town? Still has not been topped.