Thursday, June 07, 2007

what's your kidnap word?

went to bookclub this week and laughed a howl when one of my fav members let it be known that "medieval times" was her kidnap word - meaning the word she'd use to let someone know she was in danger if you happened to call during a kidnapping or some other catastrophe where the bad guy is pointing a knife or gun at you. why? because she wouldn't be caught dead at medieval times, much less wearing peach! so in that way it is perfect because, she wouldn't ever suggest going to medieval times in a normal, rational state of mind. it's a code word for CALL 911 NOW! one of the other members pointed out that it might be hard to work that naturally into the conversation but you'd find a way, i'm sure. i'm trying to think of a good kidnap word myself because you never know when you'll need to use it. ;)

1 comment:

petite gourmand said...

good idea.
Mine would be..."my house is a mess.
which anyone who knows me and all my ocd tendancies, would know that something is seriously f'd up.