Friday, June 29, 2007

brush with schmarminess: sarah polley

drake patio today around 5pm: we spotted sarah polley kicking back with pals in a great pair of sweet retro shoes i might add. she was wearing this bold print dress and had her hair pulled back for any fashionistas who might care about details of this sort. it's funny because i feel this kinship with her because we both tried on wedding dresses together at the same shop on queen back in the day. of course, i am sure she doesn't remember but it's a nice memory and it's the dress i ended up getting married in so it stuck in my mind. maybe she was a good luck charm? happy canada day folks.

1 comment:

JenMV said...

Hey lady,
Long time no talk.... the book club dates have been consistently inconvenient for me. Your blog is great.. I love reading it...Anyways.... I started posting again with some updates :-)
also... switched to new blogger and my name is now JMV not not-a-poet...