Saturday, April 22, 2006

she's come undone

it is amazing how easy it is to undo your life. our apartment is slowly coming undone, like a tornado we whirled around this place collecting and packing and making the space devoid of character, a blank palette for the new tenants. meanwhile across town our raise high the roof beams project is in full swing. matrix style, there are wires hanging from the ceiling. the nervous system of the house rebuilt v.2.0. it is a rainy bleak day today, the kind of day that chills you to the bone. the blasts of sun from days this week have slipped into the cracks of the sidewalk. last night i toured the new hood with my good friend, sally. we braved the fierce winds and lisps of rain, the crazies and the drunks and ended up at our local ethiopian haunt where a soulful mellow jazz band made the evening shine. over a glass of house red, we laughed at our troubles and braved the uncertainty of the coming weeks together.

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