Friday, April 21, 2006

dream life

went to a party in an elaborate mansion filled with odd shaped pools and killer fish, long eels. i didn't notice the fish until i tried to stick my toe in one of the pools and one long silver eel lept, no snapped, 8 ft above the water and then dove back into the tempting pool. the pools were more like bathtubs and there was only one long killer fish per pool. there was an odd cast of characters at the party, set in seattle. my pal Roz had moved there with her parents and i thought to myself "of course, she fits in so perfectly here, it is meant to be." the host of the party was an eccentric millionaire prone to gold scarves and cheshire grins. anyone want to interpret?


Gallis said...

OK here goes.

You are currently moving through a period of great transition after tumult on the health front. It stands to reason that as you work your way through next steps, you will be feeling somewhat vulnerable and out of your element, hence the freaky mansion and snapping fish.

indigo herself said...

hmmm...i actually thought the pools were blood cells and each liller fish was mercury or represents toxins. ironically, eel is really toxic and filled with mercury. the snapping fish mean that the toxins are still kicking.