Sunday, April 11, 2010

my life as frenchie

it's no secret I have not been a fan of fakebook. i have held out on the hype for what feels like forever. but, recently i needed an account for a project at work. the only way, in my mind, was to go undercover. i am now estelle sleuth (a.k.a frenchie). if you read the blog you are in the circle so if you want to share photos of your kids and such i will be your friend. kids seem immune to the fakebook rules somehow, i applaud those who can live out loud so bravely. really. show me i am a fool for missing out. i may invent a life for frenchie as a creative project, seems fitting for fakebook. don't hate me please, this is just my way of making peace with things. hopefully you can see the funny here.

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