Friday, October 23, 2009

opera by candlelight

the power went out on our street tonight. darkness enveloped the house and the entire street. made the gusty winds rustling in the trees seem spookier. dN lit some bee-z wax candles and sure enough, the muse, the opera singer on the other side of the wall, decided to take the darkness as an opportunity to practice. the faint smell of honey was a nice touch...the lights came back on and the spell was broken.

1 comment:

gentian/enzian said...

oh, how romantic. i smell the bee-z wax candles, oh how i love them.

last year on our holliday we had a black out for five hours in the evening. it took quite a long time till we realized that in an other part of the village they had electric power - so we went ther in a restaurant to have a meal.