Sunday, September 20, 2009


stared up at the sky this afternoon, air planes leaving white lines cris-crossed against perfect blue. black birds flying in a V, so much beauty. i just felt grateful to witness it. an indian summer weekend full of sun and deluxe moments. life is a gift a wise woman told me recently. savouring it.

1 comment:

gentian/enzian said...

sun is shining throug a milky sky, a birch tree in au neighbours garden is gently moving in the win. dewdrops on the lawn wich is cobwebbed.......sorry my englisch is not perfect ;-)
somehow a mystic atmosphere. with open eyes and an open heart you realize what this wise woman said - ture life is a beautiful gift such als love, actually it's the same - life and love let us grow towards the light - but like a seed in the cold wet dark earth we cry sometimes - we struggel, we fight until we see a bit more light - it keeps us growing -