Wednesday, December 03, 2008


this song is my soundtrack when life is going along smoothly and everythng falls into place. those days are deluxe. i wish today was one of those days but it wasn't. sort of like a ground hog day, caught in a loop. nothing bad happened it just took longer then i hoped to get things done. maybe today is just supposed to crawl instead of run. on a side note, i noticed that i have a craving lately to wear colour. most of my wardrobe is black or neutral but lately i reach for the colours. the colours cheer me up. is it a city thing or maybe a shift in mood? i am selective about the coloiurs i like and pair it with black often but still. is anyone else having this craving?


Gallis said...

I definitely am. I have WAY too much black in my wardrobe.

petite gourmand said...

this is Lulu's favourite song at the moment (and movie) I think we listened to it 4 times today already.
she is peanuts obsessed and wants to learn to skate just like snoopy.
me too for that matter.

My entire wardrobe seems to be gray, black and taupe.
Some vivid colors would be an improvement for sure.