Thursday, November 27, 2008

envy, giving thanks, & perfection

i have noticed a few themes waltzing thru my life lately and had to add to the blog. the first is envy. wishing you had what someone else has...not so much their material stuff but maybe it is their seemingly perfect happiness, success or self confidence. it is not what it seems. we are all going thru something and it seems like a mountain to us, even if it is a mole hill to everyone else. the next is gratitude. on this day of american thanksgiving i just want to thank the universe for all the goodness in my life. it hasn't been an easy year by any measure but many silver linings have aligned in my favour and i just thank the lucky stars for that. third is perfection. i see people striving for it all the time, in big ways and small. maybe it is the human condition. to try and control the uncontrollable with a measure of exactness that can be no accident. i think we can all look around and see darkness and storm clouds if we like. the greater challenge is to choose to dwell on the good, the opportunity in the face of that steep climb ahead. not to be swayed by the occasional stumble. sometimes we arrive in style, other times we just barely arrive. it is just enough to keep trying, to keep fighting the good fight in whatever shape it takes in our lives today. grace.


Gallis said...

Thanks for this. I needed a post like this today

petite gourmand said...

What a beautiful post.
I might just have to print it and tape it to my fridge as a daily reminder.

Betsy Mae said...

PG linked this post to her blog & I'm so glad she did. What a lovely post, and exactly what I needed to read today, yesterday, and probably tomorrow. Like PG I too might have to print it and post it somewhere I can easily remind myself of all the truths you wrote. Beautiful.

Mommy Jo said...
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Mommy Jo said...

You make a difference. Thanks for writing.

Anonymous said...

what a great post! you are a poet my dear and have such a way with words. and the best part is you mean it from the bottom of your heart. just what i needed to hear.

yvette in dundas