Wednesday, July 16, 2008


the crazy chinese lady next door has served up a fresh dose of bizarre. now that the weather is warmer, maybe i am just noticing it windows and doors bring the indoors out. she SNEEZES frequently. LOUDLY. COMICALLY. i used to think it was just a morning thing but even around 8pm last night i heard her, and again countless times today. what gives? is she allergic to her own magic remedies, potions and schemes? it is one curious case, that is for sure.


Gallis said...

How loud does she have to sneeze for you to hear it?? LOL

indigo herself said...

well i live next door and it isn't a semi. so she is one detached house away. they are like THUNDER sneezes. they must hurl her clear across the room with sheer force. maybe she is a super hero, only she got short changed on the super powers and just has the ability to hurl mind bending sneezes at whim.

Gallis said...

"Ah yes Claritina! Your antihistamine action won't help you now! You are nothing compared to the power and fury of Sneezaysha!" LMAO!