Friday, January 25, 2008

to sleep, perchance to dream

confession: i have a habit of waking up too early, too frequently or i wake up with racing dreams about work and seem to wrestle with trying to squash them, reroute them to greener pastures. in those early hours between 4am and 6am, there is also snoring to contend with...from the other side of the bed. if i was sleeping soundly, the snoring wouldn't be a problem...i'd sleep right through it. i have tried meditation and restorative yoga, relaxing playlists, natural remedies and chamomile tea. new parents are a brave bunch, how do they do it? i am going to conquer this. advice welcome.


Gallis said...

Have you had your Vitamin D levels checked? Mine was low. I'm sleeping much better since it's started getting back to a normal level. I used to do the exact same waking up early thing. Vitamin D affects all your hormones so if you're stressed and have a lot of cortisol, Vitamin D being out of whack will only aggravate it.

indigo herself said...

as luck would have it, i just had my vitamin d levels checked and they are in the optimal range. i think some more exercise, creative pursuits, and avoiding late night work or crazy foods may help. thanks for the advice though. it is amazing how everything is inter-related...vitamin d and hormones! who knew?!

Anonymous said...

I also recommend having the "other side of the bed" try the Breathe Right strips. My "other side of the bed" just tried them last night, and surprisingly, I slept through the night!

indigo herself said...

hey there girl, thanks for the comment. will definitely need to pick up those strips! i am glad you stopped by and left a comment. hope you are well. -xo