Saturday, January 23, 2010

dreams: water, glass pyramid + big church

on new year's eve, i dreamed about drinking many glasses of water. ( i wasn't dehyrated from alcohol.) suppposedly, it is a sign of good luck. a few nights ago i dreamed i was in university again and one of the dorm rooms had this glass pyramid in the corner, sort of a crystal with these uneven opaque shards of glass. i remember 3 creating the pyramid and it was irresistible, i had to touch it. of, course i thought, makes perfect sense. lastly, i had a dream about this larger than life adobe church. it was terra cotta and on a hill in the back yard. i never went inside.

what do you make of all these symbols?


gentian/enzian said...

water has (often) to do with feelings. university is a place to study.the pyramid was opaque - it can become clear. a nice sign.

to me it would mean, look at your feelings, go into the terracotta church, there you maybe find things you suppress..... come out of the dorm rooms , and the pyramids glass can become clearer, which means the light can come inside easyer......
well that would be meant for me......... i'm on the way to clear out negativ soulpattern :-D

find YOUR OWN options / belife

gentian/enzian said...

you are a very strong lady open hearted and beautiful.
there is so much love in you - have a good time - and become strong and stronger