Wednesday, April 29, 2009

good find: the sweater song

coaching takes many forms, a good friend sent this to lift my spirits, muchly appreciated.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

bag o wishes + the box arrives

deluxe-ness. silly me. had a bag of mrs. vickie's today and there were a record number of wish chips. for those of you who don't know - a wish chip is folded in half. legend has it, when you find one of these rare oddities, it is like a chip genie appears and grants your wish. as kids, it was cause for celebration. who knew potatoe chips could be so much fun? junk food meets fortune telling.

the next cause for celebration, was the box. on my door step, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, audrey dropped off a box with my initials on it. inside, the stuff to create 12 artists trading cards by may 7. the challenge is set. time to create. the theme is circles. when i was a kid, from the moment i could doodle, i used to draw page upon page of circles. fitting. join the circle. wishes and circles, the stars are aligning. i have seen some improvement, on the health front small milestones but still, good news. keep cheering on the coach. a true cause for celebration, a reminder not to get discouraged and to keep focused, fight the good fight, hold the tears and grit the teeth with determination. yes.we.can.

Sunday, April 19, 2009


dn chased a bat out of the work,in.progress house last night. hopefully it took all my hopelessness and bad spirits with it. today i worked out to the tunes in in.spire. i need a mac truck of motivation, when lately I have had the motivation of sludge. send me songs, or any form of inspiration. yes.we.can.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

an orchid arrives

yesterday, i got a special delivery. an orchid to lift my spirits. thank you for the love. savour the deluxe-ness.

Friday, April 17, 2009

boom, he's a puppeteer

an interview, gone very wrong. funny as all hell.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

good find: ruby & apple

a friend of mine launched the online side of her business today. check out ruby & apple for the handbag of your dreams.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

fire the inner critic, be the coach

i am in the fight of my life. i have not shared the details of the health challenges because i wanted the blog to be an escape, a place where i focused on the creative, sweet stuff in life. i still want that. but part of me feels like i am living a lie. i have MS and have to learn to walk again. some of you know part of the story. i have been on a downward spiral for awhile now and i am trying to lift myself out with the help of treatment and physio. the hardest part has been the knocks to my spirit. i am probably not going to blog about the daily trials but don't lurk in the shadows. help cheer the coach on. tell me you love me no matter what shape i am in and that you believe i can recover fully.

Friday, April 10, 2009

smoke & opera

thin walls in a semi have brought new quirks to my attention. the neighbour on the third floor is an opera singer. deep booming voice. an open attic door has also leaked over stale cigarette smoke but maybe i imagined it or the source -- seems unlikely a singer would smoke. burnt toast and coco have also wafted our way.

Thursday, April 09, 2009

the meaning of life

in 140 characters or less, that is your mission should you choose to accept. here are a few i came up with...

savour the moments.

dive in. live and love with a full heart.

do more, not less.