Sunday, April 12, 2009

fire the inner critic, be the coach

i am in the fight of my life. i have not shared the details of the health challenges because i wanted the blog to be an escape, a place where i focused on the creative, sweet stuff in life. i still want that. but part of me feels like i am living a lie. i have MS and have to learn to walk again. some of you know part of the story. i have been on a downward spiral for awhile now and i am trying to lift myself out with the help of treatment and physio. the hardest part has been the knocks to my spirit. i am probably not going to blog about the daily trials but don't lurk in the shadows. help cheer the coach on. tell me you love me no matter what shape i am in and that you believe i can recover fully.


gentian/enzian said...

hi there, my angel, i deeply hope that you're at the end of the downward spiral. this year seems to be a very hard one. it's an 11 year on numerology. that means a big fight between darkness and light. we all are very sensible in mind and body. things can turn better during this year. but we need to be very honest. a lot of inward stuff comes up, thats what i recognize, well my teacher told us about that. we are asked to forgive our "neigbours" our reflections. and thats not so easy sometimes ;-)) .

- we had quite a heavy time before and over this easterweekend.. but i',m sure we were not allone. so much is going on - when we look in the world.
i'm shure you get the strength, i pray for you and think a lot on you. with all my love from far away and still somehow near you

yes you can - according to barak obama'y yes we can ;-)

or "be strong" as Jonathan livingston Seagul the movie
do you know it?

Anonymous said...

I love you.

"I am more than I appear to be, all the world's strength and power rests inside me."


Lucky said...

You have never failed to inspire me and bring me out of the dumps. I am sending positive vibes and much love your way. You are in my prayers.

Anonymous said...

Hey lady,

I think of you often. Each time I go to the gym, I am reminded of us enjoying the step classes of the 'ol days.

You are a strong woman with an incredible sense of style. :-)

I love you. I know you will overcome this and dance again. Please let me know how I can help.


Gallis said...

Oh honey, I am so sorry to hear this. I half suspected something like this was going on. I totally get that you want this place to be something that isn't affected by your MS, but at the same time if you need to vent, I say go for it! It'll do you some good and no doubt be inspiring for others.

I'm close by so if you need anything just hollah.

I love ya.

Kath said...

Love you, sweet girl.

gentian/enzian said...

hey lady, did you realize on wich day you wrote this message ;-)?! easter.
oh what a good sing. may the spirit of easter help you go throug everything.
love u

petite gourmand said...

you always are so upbeat and inspiring.

sending some positive energy right back at you.


gentian/enzian said...

hi sunshine, tonight you're in our healing-meditation. wish you all the strength of the sunrise on a beautiful may morning, the strength to grow and get healty.
love you

the word to send this message is "luchiest" - sounds like "luckiest" ;-)

indigo herself said...

thank you so much for the love and support. today was a very low day and i can't tell you how much it meant to m to know i am not alone and people are rooting for me. muchly appreciated.

gentian/enzian said...

i'm on the way to love myself more, to accepte what i am, what i feel, what i do, even the things i dont love on me.
it's a long inner process, keeping on the right way - is not easy.
i'm very often angery about me, when i do things which i should not do. my sister had high blood persure and i told her of for things she'd done. she got so angry with me, shouted.....very bad for her blood-presure. i felt pretty bad afterwards.
but when i thought later about the situation, i recognised a situation form my childhood - and things got clear, why i act sometimes against me - or my sister. i'm so glad that i realized that, and became honest about it. being jalouse is the problem, because she got always mothers love and nearness, things that i missed. - a long time.

being honest makes you strong.... said once a person to me. how true!
in a way you are my coach

gentian/enzian said...

hi sunshine
today i had a taff inner fight with me. i've sometimes so much fear to look in myself, to love myself as i am. i did EFT for nearly an hour - i asked the purple flame to help me burning all the things i said during my EFT. i asked the angel of fire air water and earth to help me accept myself as i am.
well peace came over me by this clelaring process. i taped i love myself as i am. i forgive myself for all the things i hurt me and other people.
just want to let you know that.
i love you
God bless you

gentian/enzian said...

hi there, when you look back to what you have written in here - and all what happen through the time since then. how does it feel?
i feel you got very much stronger.

gentian/enzian said...

hi there, more than a year since you wrote this. how has life changed? when i feel blue, i sometimes read this message and it gives me strength.
i get more and more honest with myself, thanks God.
hope you're fine and thank you for being there. xo

gentian/enzian said...

hi sunshine
many days have gone since you wrote this words.

l love the poems you write during this month and also the word-plays.
there is so much hope and love and light in them.
GOD bless you