Tuesday, September 18, 2007


from my new favourite book, Letter Perfect. The A-Z History of the Alphabet. by David Sacks.

"The custom of writing X's for kisses in signing off a letter dates from the Middle Ages, when much of Europe's population remained illiterate. On legal documents, in lieu of a signature, a person might write an X or the sign of a cross. The signatory would then kiss the X, to promise to stick to the agreement. Over later centuries, the written X came to mean not the signature but the kiss."


Gallis said...

Heh! I love factoids like this.

petite gourmand said...

just catching up with you-love this post.
who knew?
interesting stuff.
too bad the book is on back order, will keep my eye out for it though.

indigo herself said...

you can find the book at the Eglington Centre Indigo for 3.99 in the discount bin. last tuesday there were 4 copies left. glad you liked the post!

petite gourmand said...

thanks, will try to get one if there are any copies left.

oh and have fun at Cava- I hope you like it.
happy anniversary!