Friday, June 16, 2006


blackbird singing in the dead of night, take these sunken eyes and learn to see. all your life, you were always waiting for this moment to be free.


into the light of the dark black sky.

Ah...the Beatles.

the friday sky brimmed with humidity until it burst into a cathartic shower, just an hour ago. i am at a hospital in switzerland having more treatments for my eyes. it has been a good week, but a long, tiring one. two nights ago i snuck away into a small town nearby for a night walk past a church, nestled in the mountains. one of the other patients here was this svelte yoga guy in his 60s, total trip fontain material. it was a highlight of the week watching the dark sky fall, two nights ago. witnessed over a glass of red wine with the silohette of the onion shaped church top ofset by an almost full moon. there were four of us. a young opera singer age 23, a sporty dr. visiting from colorado, the yoga guy, and me

the last time i was here i could barely see my hand in front of me.

....take these sunken eyes and learn to see.

you were always waiting for this moment to arrive.


Gallis said...

What a great post. Glad you're continuing to be on the mend!

Deanna McFadden said...

Good to hear things are going well with your latest round of treatments. I'm very happy to hear that as well.

scarbie doll said...

Dude! WTF is going on with your eyes? Has it been that long since we've seen each other? Let me know if you need anything.