Wednesday, November 16, 2005

silver suitcase

the doorbell rang and a package arrived. a shiny silver suitcase filled with uncle rico time machine-esque gadgets and crazy instructions for the device inside. it's called an ion cleanse. not for the overly analytical or non believing types. the gift brought on spy antics and "give us the micro film, i will never give it up!" banter.


Warren G said...

Wasn't that a commercial for tampons?

indigo herself said...

that is the reference at the end! the package definately had that feel. though i doubt the ion cleanse was in the tampax suitcase. i just found out yesterday that this foot bath contraption actually increases your risk of breast cancer if you run it in a plastic bucket.

Gallis said...

"i just found out yesterday that this foot bath contraption actually increases your risk of breast cancer if you run it in a plastic bucket."

Now. There's a line you don't hear every day!

indigo herself said...

i know. you decide.

here is the link:

look for the ion cleanse device.

vote: scam/ or not

Anonymous said...

Ion cleanser is a simple device that changes the molecular structure of the elements in the water. In a simple electronic experiment in schools a long time ago it was shown that a small direct current through mineral water would cause the water to bubble, change colors, and foam up. It would get darker with time. Colors would also very by the polarity of the current and the electrodes used. I believe that this device is a real scam. If one watches closely, you will see the bubbling and changing of the wate is always around the electrodes and not the feet. Incidentally, the feet change the ph of the water and loose dead skin will interact with the water to even further enhance the color change.