Thursday, August 25, 2005

these eyes

burton cummings tribute, live from Canadian Idol. savour the cheese, share the love. we were in the nosebleed section, upper balcony, row gg. surrounded by neon signs screaming -- I love you Rex, Grandma's Idol: Melissa, Guess Who? and various other declarations of support. my dad knew every word of every song. my brother was too cool for school, especially with his new sorta girlfriend in our company. my mum, with her martha stewart-esque cardigan thrown around her shoulders was a constant grinner, tapping her feet and swaying to the tunes.

it will be one of those shows that years from now, we look back on as a Canadian phenomenon. in fact, we're already encouraged to look upon it that way. from the boo-ing of judges with critical things to say, to uproarious cheers, pandemonium ala Beatles style, we are encouraged to get off our asses, to care, to vote. the karoake show that wears its' heart on its' sleeve. there is something to be said for diving right in. taking a side. singing like it's your last song. thank you, thank you very much.


indigo herself said...

did anyone notice that i haven't posted for 15 days? if so, let me definately feels like no one is listening or watching.

Gallis said...

Oh good lord girl! I check every day! I just figured you were busy!

magpie lifted said...

...and here i thought the comments were in solid (or liquid) appreciation for burton! only the other week was in the sherlock holmes hotel in london, dancing with vociferous elephantine stealth (and i quoted) with big red in our skivvies to These Knives..... another night in june, i air-guitar'd in my new boyfriend's kitchen in t.o. to the cummings (and goings), cementing our already-copacetic musicalities. horray to you for posting such a decker.