Friday, August 31, 2007

look up

i can hear the roar of plane engines above and can only assume the blue angels are back. may they do an extra twirl for lady di today. i can't believe it has been ten years. watched a documentary on the unravelling news surrounding her death last night on cbc. shocking really. such a waste. she always seemed like the royal with the heart. enjoy the last long weekend folks, the weather is supposed to be nice here.

Monday, August 27, 2007

just another manic monday

wish it was sunday. isn't that how the song goes? i can not believe that next weekend is labour day. i may just wear white every day this week in homage to summer. can't wait for laughter meditation class tomorrow night, it will have been almost a month since my last. i am listening to gospel music at the moment, looking to the heavens for inspiration...

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

the secret sauce

en route to my grandma's funeral i sat next to a fabulous spirit. i asked for aisle but ended up getting a middle seat and the funny thing is that she had just said to the guy on the end, maybe we'll be lucky and the seat will stay open the whole trip. then i arrived. i forget how we got to talking about happiness but i remember her saying - I could go today...meaning she was happy with the life she's lived and lives and doesn't need an ounce more if it's not meant to be.

so i asked her, what's the secret sauce?

she laughed.

and then she said, after some thought...

"I want what I have."


"surround yourself with quality people."

what's a quality person? i asked. "well, it's different for everyone but you need to figure out what your definition of quality is and then surround yourself with it."

i really felt so lucky to sit beside her, it was like one of my deluxe cabbie encounters. philosphy is everywhere if you just take the time to look.

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

back in a jiffy

there will likely be a pause in posts over the next few weeks. don't worry, i'm fine. it's summer -- go have yourself a popsicle or take in a neighbourhood wander. will blog as i get the chance. thank you for stopping by. love and peace to all my faithful readers. all 5 of you.